COPE – Create Once, Publish Everywhere

Are you also on the content hamster wheel, constantly looking for new content for different platforms?

Don’t worry, that’s how many feel in content marketing. The solution, however, is not to produce even more, but to make more out of the existing content. That’s exactly what COPE – Create Once, Publish Everywhere – is about: a method the consists of creating content once and then publishing it across multiple platforms, media and channels.

B2B marketing teams are often very good at turning their expertise into content: dozens of blog posts per year, e-newsletter texts, LinkedIn posts, etc. often resulting in a wealth of content that can’t all be read by the target audience…and drained teams.

Especially in accelerated digital marketing, it’s important to be efficient, targeted and consistent.

COPE is based on the idea of using one piece of content across all platforms, media and channels – rather than creating something new every time. This leads to a more efficient use of resources and a more consistent brand message.

After all, if we as a marketing specialists have read or even written about the unique selling propositions, reference projects, or innovations for the umpteenth time, that doesn’t mean it’s the same for our target audience. According to marketing literature, it takes contacts in the double-digit range to get noticed at all.

With COPE, we not only have more serenity in the distribution and production of content, but also more time to focus on really good and targeted content. Not only less is more, but less is better.

For example: create an informative whitepaper that you can split into 3 short blog posts, 10 social media posts, 2 email campaigns, 2 Google Ads, etc. The same topic can also be prepared as a webinar and podcast and teased via short video clips on LinkedIn. 

With COPE, you reach your target audience through multiple channels without having to constantly produce new content. You not only save time, but also win the hearts of your target group.

Oliver André

Experience Manager

Service-oriented marketeer and mediamatician with a passion for inspiring customer experiences either through marketing automation, campaigns or events.